
Posts tagged hannah leigh
Choosing our Homeschool Curriculum (2018-2019)

This is it. It's here... our LAST summer before we enter our "schooling" years! And honestly, I couldn't be more excited. In fact, I wouldn't mind at all if we just skipped July and went straight to August (talk to me mid-October and I may be singing a different tune). 

After one year of private school at three, and two years of "preschool homeschooling" at four and five - our oldest, Micah, turns six in September and will finally, officially be registered for Kindergarten! I will still be doing preschool with our 4 year old, Hannah, but Micah will be the only one reported to the state this year, so it definitely feels more "official." If you've been following our journey so far, you know that we have felt called to homeschool in this season. I went through every level of indecisiveness about this for years, and now I'm fully committed and confident that it's the best decision for our family. I could list all of the reasons out for you, and I may do that in a future blog post, but for now - if you are curious and have any questions for yourself about this option, please feel free to message me privately or comment below! I would love to try and help encourage you to do what God is leading you to do for your family, whatever that looks like! But for this post, specifically, I wanted to talk about how we chose our curriculum for this upcoming school year.


Step one: Gather Resources

First off, let me say, I knew nothing. Sure, I have heard the terms "Abeka" and "Saxon" thrown around whenever the homeschool conversations came up. But for the most part, I entered this homeschooling journey with no personal experience. So I relied heavily on the internet as my guide. I welcomed any and all suggestions from friends, compiled a list together and then did my research! These are special days we live in, where we have no shortage of information at our fingertips, so this was actually, really time-consuming! Youtube was probably one of my favorite resources. Being able to see the curriculum and hear straight from the people who have used it, helped a ton! Last year, my research led me to start with a literature-based curriculum called Sonlight. This was a really great starting point for us and it was worth the money alone in books! But I realized pretty quickly that my children - like most four and five year olds - enjoyed keeping their hands busy. We only lasted about two months following their schedule, until I scrapped it and just started doing my own thing. I thought I would need a schedule to keep me accountable (because "winging it" comes a little more naturally for me) but, I realized I already have a huge accountability built into me as their mother. I WANT them to learn. So however it happens, whether we do 2-3 hours of bookwork one day and 30 minutes the next day - you can be sure this mama's gonna make it happen!

Step two: choose subjects

Once I had gathered together a list of some of the top curriculum companies recommended to me - this is where I got overwhelmed. There are SO many good choices out there! How would I ever know which one would be just right for my children? I started by looking at the state requirements for Kindergarten and then making a list of subjects that I knew I wanted to cover. I categorized each curriculum option under each subject. Doing this helped me visually see that I had a TON of recommendations for language arts curriculums but not that many for math, for example. It didn't seem as overwhelming to choose our Math curriculum, once I saw the shorter list. 

Step three: compare value

The next step is important for our family - getting our money's worth. I think cost is a major factor for most families choosing to homeschool (since they often have to sacrifice one income) and thankfully homeschooling can be done on the most simple budget! There were a few companies that stood out to me specifically because of cost. I absolutely loved that the number one recommended curriculum to me this year, was also one of the most affordable! I also discovered that our top choice for a math curriculum offered a pastor's discount, so that pretty much solidified that choice for us too. 

With all that said, I am excited to announce our curriculum choices for next year... (drum roll please)

the good and the beautiful (Language arts)

I love that this Language Arts curriculum incorporate: phonics and reading, spelling, grammar and punctuation, literature and art all in one! I ordered the Level K course set for Micah and the Level K Primer for Hannah. They will only be one school grade apart, so it will be fun to teach them both at a very similar pace! This program also comes with mp3 songs to teach them the days of the week and months of the year (we've only listened to them a few times and my kids already have them memorized!) So fun! This is a newer curriculum and was recommended to me by SO many people, so I'm super excited to try it out!

Math-U-See (Math)

I haven't received the full curriculum yet (so no pictures), but we did receive a sample packet and amazingly my kids already loved it! We are ordering the Primer Curriculum set for Micah and adding on an extra Primer Student Workbook for Hannah. I can tell they are going to love the hands-on approach to learning math. I also appreciate that this program comes with video tutorials that can help me communicate the lesson, or we can even watch together! I really enjoy math, so it was important to me that I chose a math curriculum that would help foster a love for math in my children. This one has been around for many years and seemed like a perfect fit (it also comes with a pastor's discount, so win-win!)

The great thing about homeschooling is that I can work at the pace of each child's learning. I know a lot of experienced parents have told me not to rush the preschool and kindergarten years - that they learn mostly through play. And we plan to incorporate lots of art and crafts, explore days and music into our everyday life. Anyone who knows me, knows that those things come most naturally to me anyway! But my children ask to sit and do workbooks nearly every day (they don't care that it's summer!) so we go with it. I never want to stifle their love for learning. This is why I choose curriculum - to keep track of progress and stay on course. Each year we can evaluate and next year may look differently. These are fun times! And I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to get to do this schooling thing with my favorite little people. 

Hannah's 4th Birthday | Picnic Party

A couple weeks ago we celebrated our sweet, big girl's 4th birthday! We thought it was only fitting to invite our family and friends to join us at one of our favorite places, Hanna Park (Hannah calls it "her" park for obvious reasons, ha!) Instead of going to our normal spot on the beach, we set up a picnic party near the playground. As the kids get older (and we continue having more), I am finding it takes more intentionality to continue making each year special. Those first couple birthdays are always a HUGE deal. Then, they get older and start giving input about how they want to celebrate! Hannah loves parks and picnics, and thanks to Pinterest this all came together to really sum up her personality! 

We left smelling like fire and covered in dirt, so I'd say it was a huge success!

Hannah Leigh, we are so grateful to have you in our lives. Your spunky personality and bright light shine for all who know you. I pray that you continue to grow each day into the woman God has created you to be. I am grateful to get a front row seat in watching the story of your life unfold. 

Love you always.

35 weeks
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Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 35 weeks, 3 days (although, last two u/s have shown baby is measuring at original due date of March 11th which would put me at 36 weeks, 4 days) Size of baby: size of a coconut, weighing an average of 5lbs already! Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 28lbs. Maternity Clothes: You know you are getting close when you start outgrowing your maternity clothes! I went to get dressed yesterday and picked out a shirt that JUST FIT a couple weeks ago and now was too tight for my big ole belly. But I don't mind at all, it just means she is growing and developing into a healthy baby! Gender: We had an u/s done a couple weeks ago to checkup on Hannah's kidneys (everything is working perfectly!) and they gave us a great 3D shot of the female area and said, "Oh... definitely still a GIRL!" At least that's one thing we don't have to worry about being "surprised" about at birth! Movement: She is a little mover! More of a squirmy thing than a kicker and puncher (like Micah was!) She seems to always be making some little movement, which keeps my mind at ease. Sleep: Is definitely going better than it was with Micah, that's for sure. Probably because I am so tired at the end of the day from chasing a toddler around! :) I am waking up a couple nights a week to go to the bathroom, but nothing consistent. Definitely taking advantage of any sleep I can get, before I need to get ready for those 3am wakeup calls again! Cravings: Not a lot of outrageous cravings this pregnancy. I am loving hamburgers more than usual, I think that may be attributed to my low iron level and the need for red meat. Symptoms: Some sciatic nerve pain in the right side of my back/leg. It hurts every time I get up to walk. Also, having lots of Braxton Hicks on and off. I can tell my body is getting closer to labor by some of the twinges I am feeling! Best Moment this week: Always love going to the doctor and hearing baby's heartbeat! And also, some good news that I am progressing - had my first weekly checkup and was told that baby's head is really low and I am dilated 1cm. The countdown is on... :)

//previous updates on baby Hannah: 30 weeks27 weeks21 weeks 18 weeks14 weeks

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Just a few more pictures from our maternity shoot last week.

This pregnancy is almost over and I can remember vividly the day I found out we were expecting another baby. I can remember the shock, the surprise, the feeling of being sick to my stomach (but I'm pretty sure that was just a pregnancy symptom, because I had so much joy in my heart!) and looking at my 10 month old, Micah, wondering how I could ever love another child the same way that I love him.

I still wonder that sometimes, honestly.

But the truth is, before I actually gave birth to Micah and saw his precious face for the first time - I didn't really know how deeply I could love. I knew what being pregnant felt like and I knew the anticipation and joy I felt about becoming a mom. And I loved my unborn child, from the very beginning. But I didn't know Micah, yet. And there is no way to describe the change that happened in my heart when I finally met him.

Maybe that's wrong for me to admit, but I think it's also important for me to realize as I finish out these last few weeks of pregnancy. Because what I am feeling right now for our daughter is nothing compared to what I will feel when I finally get to hold her, to smell her, to see her face. I already know how much love my heart can hold for a child, because I have been so blessed to experience that with Micah. And I think that I may be anticipating Hannah's arrival just that much more, because of it.

It doesn't seem real that we will have another baby in the house within a month. The pack n play has been transformed back into a newborn napper and the pacifiers are being dusted off for use again (although they didn't get much use the first time). I feel like I just put them all away. And I picked up a newborn diaper the other day and, I promise, I never remember putting Micah in something that small.

17 months with Micah have flown by like a dream. And for the past 9 of them, I've been pregnant.

And now I have one month left to cherish the bond I have with my husband and son as a family of three, before our love extends to another precious blessing from God.

Oh, the joy and anticipation... I can't wait to meet you, Hannah Leigh.