
Posts in social media

instabloggingpic Let me start by saying, I wish I had more time to blog. It really is one of those things I LOVE to do - but unfortunately, the clock keeps ticking and there are just not enough hours left at the end of the day (or after 9:30pm when both kids are finally in bed!)

Lately, Instagram has become my go-to for those little spurts of inspiration I need and want to give away. It's just so much easier to sit down during a 20-minute nursing session and scroll through my beautiful feed (of mostly other mamas and their children). Occasionally I'll be going through a crisis of sorts where I just need to see something pretty instead of the chaos that is going on around me. Usually I'll find it there. And then there are those times when something thought-provoking hits me and my fingers sweat as I share a picture and some words that would usually take me hours to compose in a blog post.

Insta-blogging, is what they call it. And it's probably a blogger turned mom's answer to prayer! At least it is for me. Quick, fast, easy community and inspiring to boot (I will include a few of my favorite "grammers" at the end of this post).

I don't want to neglect this space entirely though. I'll continue to write as often as I can. But you'll probably see me using it more to feature some upcoming shoots in the next few weeks! Can I just say how thankful I am for the opportunities I've had in photography since I officially started taking sessions only a little over a month ago?! It's just been further validation that this is what the Lord was leading me to do (more on that in another post soon!)

If there's one thing I've been learning lately that I want to leave you with - it would be to stop feeling guilty. The condemning, ugly feeling that you are not doing or being enough. That's not from God. (Romans 8:1) Sure, there is conviction and sometimes it's uncomfortable and humbling. But it's also peaceful and encouraging. It's the convictions that lead us to make changes in our lives for the good. But guilt just leaves us with questions. We don't know which way is right or which way is wrong. We just feel stuck.

I get this way a lot when it comes to learning how to balance my life as a wife and mother with two kids, while leading worship and also taking photos for people in my "spare" time. It's the spare time stuff that makes me feel guilty. But I know it is purposeful and a blessing to others and my family. I have found that I need to be creating something at all times. Sometimes it's music or photos and sometimes it's a human being. And seeing that I've been pregnant for 18 of the last 28 months, it seems I've been doing more of the latter than anything else.

So why should I feel guilty for devoting a couple hours in the week to using my gifts and talents outside the home?

This is me saying goodbye to guilt. And encouraging you to do the same. Walk in the truth that God has knitted you together uniquely, and placed within you abilities and desires to further His Kingdom. Will we multiply what He has given us or hide it under a rock? (Matthew 25:14-30)

Here are a few of the insta-woman who challenge me to be more creative and also point me to Jesus with their honest and encouraging words (I'm purposely leaving out friends I know in real-life, because there are just too many of you to name!) Check out their feeds and be sure to follow them for some daily inspiration!

caseyleighwiegand threebabesandapastor alesyazubik jennyhaas allieroyall thepursuitofjoyproject christielacy kristinrogers lucadele thrive_moms


2014, a blog makeover

It's a rainy, first day of the New Year here in Florida. I've contemplated taking my Christmas tree down, but I just can't seem to gather up the energy to remove the beautifulness displayed in my living room corner. I really do wish it could stay up all year long.

So instead, I've decided to put my creative energy to good use here on the blog and give it a little makeover for 2014!

Because, what is a new year without a new blog design?!

I was going for clean and simple this year. Easy to read, easy to navigate and purposeful. Everything you see, from the top menu to the sidebar, has a distinct purpose. I wanted it to reflect my inner desire to get back to the basics of blogging - where it is all about the writing.

I experimented last year with this blog - joining the Influence Network, participating in blog challenges and linkups, writing guest posts - all in an attempt to experience online community. And while I did meet some awesome ladies and have loved seeing their blogs thrive in these types of avenues, I'm just not sure it's the right approach to blogging for me. I'm more of a write-when-inspired, what's-on-my-heart type of girl. I wanted my blog design to feel the same way.

So, that's what this makeover is about for me.

When you visit this blog, I hope you feel as though you just sat down at my kitchen table for a cup of hot chocolate (or coffee, if you like). Warm, cozy, friendly, personable. Those are the adjectives I would like to believe describe me offline and I hope they are what you feel when you visit my little space online too. :)

How I Make Time to Blog

I get asked frequently, "How do you find time to blog?!"  Mostly from other moms who have children around the same age. I know they don't mean it condescendingly, so I don't take it that way at all. I realize we live in a society that puts high demands on women to have their homes in order, to volunteer at church/school, to be involved in community groups and on top of that - work a full-time job. If you are one of those women who are blessed to be able to stay home, than the expectations are even higher for you, because of course "you have the time." So, I'm not offended that women ask where I find time. I get it. Time is short and valuable and how (or better yet, why?) do I spend precious moments writing to a space on the internet where I happen to own my own url?

Today, I thought I would address this. And maybe offer some tips to encourage other busy woman out there.

Let me preface this by saying -  this could be applied to any hobby you enjoy. Writing has always been something I've loved to do. I once tried to write a book in a text document when I was a little girl, but once my parents upgraded our computer to Word - we lost it all (it was truly devestating).

It all comes down to one simple rule in life: whatever you enjoy doing, you make time for.

1. I don't blog every day.

The easiest way to stop doing something you enjoy doing, is to overdo it. Overdoing it may look differently for each person. But for me, blogging everyday (like I did in this challenge) was definitely too much. Did I have my all-time, highest viewed month when I blogged everyday? Why, yes I did. But in order for me to keep my love for blogging and more importantly, my home and family in order, I have to allow some days to breathe. This brings me to my next point…

2. I blog when I'm inspired.

The best advice I can give to someone who is trying to maintain a blog, but not necessarily grow one, is to blog only when inspired. Like I mentioned, if high stats and viewership are your goal, than this may not be the best advice for you. But if you are like me, and you just want an outlet to write and share the things that are weighing on your heart and mind - than blog when you feel compelled. I call it the "leading of the Holy Spirit," and if I'm not at a place where I can sit down at my computer and start writing, I jot down a few thoughts in the "notes" section of my phone. I'm not trying to over-spiritualize my blog here, but there have been several times when what I've written has come from an overflow of what He had been teaching me in that moment.

3. I blog during naptime/bedtime.

Now, for you moms who are wondering how you will ever find time to sit down at a computer and write when you have a child (or ten) that you are chasing around most of the day, this is the secret -  blog when they sleep. And if you're like me, and nap time is also lunch (and dinner) time and laundry time and dishes time and clean-up-everything-in-your-house-that's-been-destroyed-by-sleeping-child time... than good luck! No, seriously, this is where the priorities have to come in. Truth is, I don't always have mine in order when I blog. There have been times when I've decided to give into "blogging inspiration" over the very strong need to vacuum my bedroom and put away my clothes. Why? Because I know that inspiration only hits me every so often, and let's face it… I'll never be inspired to put away my clothes, so that will have to be done regardless.

4. I schedule posts.

You want to know something funny? I am adding this point after this post has already been published! I almost just skipped over the number one thing that helps me "appear" like a regular blogger. SCHEDULE POSTS! I wrote this post yesterday during "nap time" when I felt inspired to sit down and write. I had already written a post for that day, so I went ahead and scheduled this one for "tomorrow" (i.e. why you're reading it today). You can do this as often and as far out as you like. I'm usually spontaneous in my writing, so I like to have my posts scheduled no more than two days ahead. But my husband is so good at this, that sometimes he schedules posts WEEKS ahead! It's super convenient to do in Wordpress and Blogger. So if you are looking for places to sign up to blog, those would be my two recommendations (I am sure there are others!)

In conclusion: Moms, you need time to yourself to do something you enjoy. Whether that's writing, reading a book, running, shopping or going to eat with friends. And sometimes you will leave your house in an unearthly stateto do them. I'm not saying to neglect your home, but I know when I take time to do something I love to do - it gives me the energy to come back and do the things that need to be done.

And I have to admit, it helps having a bloggy-hubby who not only understands and appreciates my love for writing, but encourages it.

He also encourages me to put my clothes away… and yes, my love, I am about to get right on that. Right after I publish this post. ;)